1 May 2009

Methods of Execution

we will show you by using the pictures execution all over the world,which are more than 20 some are familier and some are not. the execution is applied in 68 countries around the world.
it should be mentioned that china the country no.1 in term of applying the execution


the neck will be put in the chest of the victum with a large violance ,so he will breath hardly at the end
he will strangulate and die

hanging is one the most common method in applying the execution. , by putting a thick rope around the neck of the executed>
some thaught that hanging is the simple method through the other methods of the execution
the death happens by hanging when there is a pressure on the arteries of the neck from the both sides leads to a lack of the blood in the brain . this is called the compression of the arteries on both sides of the neck leading to lack of ischemic in the brain and Cardiac and respiratory centers. leading to death by so-called Vascular and nerve compression


by putting the convict in a swimming pool after tying him with rockswhich will prevent him to float
in this case also the oxygen willnot be received to the brain and thus the death will be the result

hitting the neck

this method is used in some countries that using alshari'a ,we also see this method in iraq .philipin ,chechnya, china and japan. if the sword was so sharp and the strike was so fast the death will be fast and not painful ,while if the sword was not sharp . may allah be with the convict


this method was used in south asia 4000 years ago , it was used by crushing the body of the convict by putting rocks on him or letting an elephant walks on his head


preventing the oxygen from arriving to the brain leads to permenant damage that has no cure like the Paralysis
if it continues to 4 min this will lead to death.
the burial might be in a small and dark cave with a very small area
in this case ,death will be slower kind of ,but the suffering will be more


this was used in the past against the people who were considered to be atheist.betreyal, and wizard.
romans executed a lot by using this method according to their religion, the pain will be unbeleivable because of the fire. may allah protect us from the hell


this is considered slow and so painful, this method was used in asia and europe 3000 years ago.
they used water , oil and acid in seething

by putting a bombs on his body

strangualtion chair

it is similar to elcetricl chair but this chair is used only for strangulation as u saw in the picture below. this was used in spain untill the end of year 1974 when fransesco franko's rule was end

Gasc hamber

this was used in america and north korea at the beginningof year 1920. as the convict was put in a special room , then a deadly gaz pipe was opened. this is visible gaz. they advised the convict to smell it quickly to lose the consciousness quickly in order not to suffer


this is easy and quick method. asthe person sleeps on his back looking at the roof , andthen a knife is put in his neck which leads to seperate his head from his body. the Guillotine had been common in france. in the french revolution 1799-1789. the last use for this method was in france in 1939 for a convict who killed 6 persons

deadly injection

this is an excuted method used in many countries, as convict was injected in dozes of chemical materials that lead to death, this could be used in suiside .
in the usa the deadly injection is used in the execution by mixing three chemical solutions, the first one is used for losing the consciousness, the second is for the heart stopped. and the last is for stop the breathing

killing by bullets

bullets are tearing the body of the convict during short seconds, every country used this method when applying the execution.


this is a punishment by throwing stones till the death , as this method was the common one in greece as it existed in jewish religion andthen in islamic shari'a , this was the punishment for the adultress and the asulterer (married ones) in certain and firm circomestances> the aim of using this method in islam is to protect the society > for that one can't understand this method without understanding the general aims for islam> stoning method is applied by throwing stones in some countries


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