30 April 2009

craziness is an art

if you dont believe that enter here

28 April 2009

A strange creature in Saudi Arabia

A strange creature was found on Saudi beaches

26 April 2009

the owl is besiged by pigeons

the miserable owl is besiged by pigeons

Dubai court to review deportation of British mom

Dubai court to review deportation of British mom

DUBAI (AlArabiya.net)

A British woman facing deportation from Dubai on charges of adultery may remain in the emirate after all, supporters said Saturday after calling off a march earlier in the week after Dubai authorities promised to review her case.Marnie Pearce, a 40-year-old British expat convicted and jailed for adultery, is nearing the end of a three-month sentence after which she was supposed to be deported back to Britain with no chance of seeing her children.However campaigners, who rallied to support Pearce on foot and on the social networking site Facebook, called off their scheduled march when Dubai authorities announced a review of Pearce's deportation order once she is released early May.

“Following discussions with the Dubai authorities we have agreed to suspend the handing over of the petition," Pearce's supporters said in a statement."We have had a promise from the Dubai authorities that they are in the process of reviewing their position in regards to Marnie's deportation and custody case. We feel that with the negotiations at a delicate stage it would be inappropriate to hand in the petition at this time.”Last month the British Embassy asked that the deportation order be rescinded but the court's ruling was said to be irreversible.

Family feud
Pearce lost custody of her two children, aged four and eight, after she and her former Egyptian husband Hamdi al-Sheewi separated in Dec. 2007 and he accused her of adultery.She faced losing her children in March after Dubai's top court rejected her second appeal and sentenced her to three months in jail followed by deportation.Her supporters planned to hand in a petition to the embassy of the United Arab Emirates in London on Thursday calling for her to be allowed to see her children.Pearce was charged with consensual sex out of wedlock, a charge she has vehemently denied. She accused her husband of lying "so that he could win the custody of their two children," UAE newspaper Gulf News reported.According to reports, she attempted to run away with the children but turned herself in last month and handed over the children to their father.

22 April 2009

pepe read card

Discrepancy caught only 18 months later

Russian, Chechen babies switched at birth: report

Anna Androsova did not think twice about her newborn's blond hair and blue eyes, and Zarema Taysumova's took her dark-haired newborn home without a second thought about why he looked different than her. Neither woman looked at the name bracelet and for 18 months raised the babies as their own.More than two years later, however, a Russian hospital faces fines for negligence for switching a Russian baby and a Chechen baby, a newspaper reported on Monday.The saga began on March 1, 2007, when a nurse in the Oryol region located some 360 kilometres (220 miles) south of Moscow switched the two newborns' identifying blankets, the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reported.

The blankets bore the names of each infant: Adlan Taysumov, an ethnic Chechen, and Nikita Androsov, an ethnic Russian.Upon taking their sons home from the maternity ward, neither mother noticed the wrong family name on the babies' wrist bracelets.Nor did they raise any concerns about the babies' appearances, even though one was blonde and blue-eyed while the other was dark-haired with brown eyes, according to photographs printed in Komsomolskaya Pravda."I was so happy that I didn't even think of looking at the wrist band.... It didn't bother me that he was dark," Androsova, the mother of the Russian child, told the newspaper."I didn't even imagine he wasn't mine," the other mother, Taysumova, was quoted as saying.The Androsovs only caught the discrepancy on the wrist band 18 months later, but then Taysumova was not prepared to give up the baby she had nurtured for nearly a year and a half.The Taysumovs only agreed to swap back the children after two DNA tests and a court order.Meanwhile, the nurse responsible for the mix-up was fired, and the maternity ward was ordered to pay 150,000 rubles ($4,500) in damages to the Androsov family, who sued the hospital.

20 April 2009

Learn the world's religions!

At dawn, 4 a.m., in the heart of the Arab desert, thousands prepared to stand around the Kaaba to perform the dawn prayers in Mecca.
The sunrise in the Indian villages, women brought food in a hurry for submission to the goddess as sacrifices. By noon, hundreds standing in front of the huge statue of Buddha hangging the gold chips,to be colser and to ask for peace.
At the Vatican bells are loud calls to initiate a prayer. With the midday in Nepal, the monks begin embellished cows in preparation for the "Tihar" Eid. While men and children standing in front of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem requesting for the forgiveness of sins.
With the sunset sitting a group of men, in the middle of the green nature in China to reach the utmost lucidity and unity with the gods. To resolve in the night in Iran, the father stands and set fire, then sets with his family for the performance of religious rites.

It is not only time spent in each thought, centered around his life. Affect the behavior and daily life, called ...." religion. " Whatever the religion, it is not free of laws that govern human life and urges him to refine his character and work to help others and to treat them well

Some believe that religion is only a human invention to escape from the troubles of life and the attachment to what is metaphysical in the hope of achieving what we want in another world away from the world in which we live, "Karl Marx" has been one thoss who called for the repeal religions because it is a fake, not real happiness

Religion has become a broad field of study, and the diversity of studiers between philosophy and sociology scholars, psychologists and bioligists, all from its own perspectives. Most of the studies confirmed that there were great forces run the universe, there is no agreement on the definition of such a force, but all had its own belief, where the scholar found all he wanted in the world in a religion where its god runs and controls the universe, while the others remained confused not knowing the in the universe, Some of them believed that such a great force is the nature

Some believe that religions divide rather than unite, suppress rather than liberate, but others believe that religions are the main thing that controls the behavior of humans and improve its morals ,because it urges them to work the good and away from the evil, as fear of punishment and hope of reward in the other world. The studies confirmed that the followers of religions are the most comfort and happier than those without belief

And the fact that religion has become an essential part of human life, and forms the culture and beliefs, we are on the verge of a trip to visit the minds of the mentality of people to identify ways of thinking and beliefs. It is not an invitation to abandon our beliefs, but an invitation to expand and absorb the other perceptions and understanding of our fellow human beings. Is also an invitation to compare and to distinguish between right and wrong, then whatever is your religion, may be convinced or you have inherited it, why not understand its essence more? Not only more understanding if I met the other, no one knows what is right before being introduced to the wrong

Christianity is considered as the widest spread religion, with nearly 2 billion followers . Followed by Islam, which followed by nearly 1.3 billion people, and Hindu by 900 million. While the atheists about 850 million people, and Buddhism 360 million people, and the rest follow the doctrines and pagan religions in the rest of the world

the Hindu "Rama Krishna" says : "Do not heed to the doctrines or creeds or sects or churches or temples, for they are all irrelevant compared to the spirit of the existing presence in us ... gain valuable spiritual first , dont critisie anyone, because all faiths have something good

we'll show the world's religions here in the form of weekly workshops, depending on how the religion's followers believe their religion, without any criticism or attack on any religion. The aim is to identify the world's religions, not criticize them. We will begin the next ... with Hindu religion

18 April 2009

Insect bed bug is sweeping America

Experts have warned the public health and pest control today that the United States is facing a new epidemic is the spread of insect bedbug massive numbers are not possible with the judiciary after the acquisition of immunity against commonly used insecticides

There are bedbug epidemic in university housing and hospital wards and shelters for displaced persons, and hotels of the city of New York to Chicago and even Washington.

The insect lives in cracks and folds of mattresses, sofas, bedding, and graduated in the evening to feed from the blood of humans.

This situation has led to numerous complaints received from the heads of houses, hotels and housing authorities, the U.S.A Environmental Protection Agency to organize the first conference on the bug for two days to discuss the phenomenon

The religious Miller - specialist in the management of urban pests, Virginia - the view that the situation may be likened to the AIDS virus, where all of us know someone suffering from the scourge of the bug, or is influenced by the same

She added, "We are now Mahtaron some kind of best way to deal with this phenomenon."

The EPA has mobilized experts in entomology and pest control and government officials to consider how to develop a new strategy to deal with the sudden proliferation of insect and bug puzzling mystery which states and cities the length and breadth of Talcher and the urban slums and luxury hotels and resorts from New York to Honolulu

A survey carried out on the 800 companies operating in the field of pest control in the rest of the United States since 2005 increased the proliferation of the insect three times

Bob Rosenberg told the National Assembly for the management of the pest control companies that in the north-eastern part of the country, especially New York City, to reap the 9% of its revenues from the elimination of bed bugs.

Source: Daily Telegraph + Guardian

how the Somalis fish the whale!!

by new ways don't depend only on primitive means
Which have been fishing the whale

Facing hunger in Kenya's Kajiado

Penina Laloi sings a lullaby as she tries to calm her five-year-old son who has been crying uncontrollably.

Soon, she herself breaks down as she explains that her family has not had any food to eat in almost three days.

Laloi and her three children have been surviving on the remnants of two packets of maize flour that well-wishers "from the city" donated when they visited her remote village in the Kajiado district, south west of the capital Nairobi.

It has been two weeks since and all she can do is wait for food relief from the Kenyan government which she says is rumoured to arrive at any time.

"Even before we got the two packets of maize flour things were already getting out of control.

We had already started eating wild fruits, dipped in cooked blood," Laloi told Al Jazeera.

"Now that our flour is gone, the only thing left for us is to eat the wild fruits until someone else or the government comes to help us."Millions facing starvation
According to the government and aid agencies, nearly 10 million Kenyans are facing starvation due to a drought which has severely affected the country's east, south and coastal provinces.

Women and young children often have to walk as far as 15km in search of water and food while the strong and the young men have migrated to urban centres in search of casual jobs.

Like many other women in her village, Laloi has remained at home while her husband and older children took the healthier cattle in search of grazing pastures in Tanzania.

She considers herself luckier than most since she has still has three goats which she draws blood from to feed her children.

"I don't know how long the goats will survive. They are also too weak. They were left when my husband went to Tanzania because they were weak to begin with."

National disaster

Rising food prices have contributed to the shortage of cereals, such as maizemeal, which were once considered affordable food alternatives for many Kenyans.

In March, maize prices jumped to a price bracket which is 120 per cent higher than the long-term average for this time of year despite the government's push to import supplies from neighbouring countries.

To make matters worse, Kenyan media have reported about an alleged scheme to illegally sell imported maize to Sudan.

Maize in Sudan is sold at four times the price in local Kenyan markets.

Inflation, and high fuel and fertiliser prices, have also prevented farmers from producing bigger harvests, only compounding an already stressed situation.

Official figures also indicate that the Strategic Grain Reserve is at 72,000 tonnes - less than 15 per cent of the statutory requirement.

Short rains have fallen in some parts of Kenya in recent weeks, but these have led to flash floods in low-lying areas where the drought has already destroyed the crop cover.

Falling too little and too late, the rains have provided little relief to thousands who survive on subsistence farming, or as in Laloi's case, on their livestock.

In the meantime, she says she will wait for urgent relief from the government, but continues to pray that her three goats will not die.

"Most of the other animals in the village have died or already been slaughtered for meat," she said.

"Now we are in the hands of God."

Obama offers Cuba 'new beginning'

Barack Obama, the US president, has said Washington will seek a "new beginning with Cuba" as the Summit of the Americas got under way in Trinidad and Tobago.

Cuba is barred from attending the summit because it is not considered a democracy by organisers, but Latin American leaders have urged the US to drop its 47-year trade embargo against the island.
"I know there is a longer journey that must be travelled in overcoming decades of mistrust, but there are critical steps we can take toward a new day," Obama said on Friday.
The US president also met and shook hands with Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, who is a fierce critic of Washington, for the first time as the summit began.
I greeted Bush with this hand eight years ago; I want to be your friend," Chavez told Obama, according to a Venezuelan presidential press office statement.
Obama's speech follows a flurry of gestures from Washington, such as dropping restrictions on Cuban-Americans visiting relatives in Cuba and permitting US companies to bid for
telecommunications licences.
Havana has also suggested that the two nations could be prepared to end years of hostilities.
Raul Castro, the Cuban president, has said his country is open to talks with Obama on "everything", including human rights, press freedom and political prisoners.
Obama noted the offer but added that any negotiations had to be substantial.
"I am not interested in talking for the sake of talking,'' he said.
"But I do believe that we can move US-Cuban relations in a new direction.''
The US president also said that he sought an "equal partnership" with Latin American states during his administration.
Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, said Obama recognised that the US had interfered in the southern hemisphere in the past but also said that the US could not be blamed for the world's ills.
Breakthrough hopes
The weekend-long summit is nominally to discuss regional security and the global financial crisis.
However, many of the 34 leaders attending the summit see Cuba as a priority and argue that efforts by the US to marginalise the state are obsolete and have instead only isolated the US government in the region.
In a joint statement issued last December, Latin American countries, including Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, called for the US to scrap its embargo against Cuba.
On Thursday, Evo Morales, the Bolivian president, repeated the call and urged the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of our America (ALBA) summit to present a joint resolution at the summit of the Americas for an end to the US embargo.
He said that Obama had a "moral and ethical obligation" to comply.
Chavez has condemned Cuba's exclusion from regional groups and says he will not endorse the draft declaration from the Port of Spain summit.
The fifth summit of the Americas is the first to be held in the Caribbean.
The last gathering, in Mar del Plata, Argentina, was met with large demonstrations against the US and then-president George Bush, Obama's predecessor.

17 April 2009

rich people and poor people

Do you know for what these children meet

They are hunting insects

and Do you know for what they meet

They are united on the competitiveness of the greatest eating biscuits

That each person will eat what is in front of him of the cookies

the Competition is begining between rich and poor
this poor child caught a bug

the rich boy Started eating the first biscuits

The poors apply hunting three grains of insects

the riche advanced... He is close to ... Completed the first dish

the poor started for ... Preparation the dish and preparing the meal to eat

Poor children climbed trees ... And deployed in the desert ..... to reap the fruits dry

Result .... Filled...the stomachs of the rich limit..... and increase satiety

Finding ... For the poor ... Hafeet feet .... Completed their stomachs .... The result ... Dry Lemon

16 April 2009

Chinese computer espionage network uncovered

A Canadian organization specializes in monitoring the Internet and the internet society information discovered a spying group over the internet who was able to monitor computers in about 100 countries , including computers of ministers of foreign affairs, officials, and leading organizations in a number of countries According to a report on Sunday 29-3-2009. The researchers of the Canadian organization named the ‘the Information Warfare Monitor assured that the spying group was able to monitor more than 1295 systems in 103 countries. the Canadian organization in a report that on of the Americans media called America in Arabic was able to purplish said that Approximately 30 percent of the computers which had been monitored were owned by people who are in charged and important organizations including the computers of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, embassies and international institutions and big media organizations and nongovernmental organizations. The observer of the organization the Information Warfare Monitor said that they discovered all that a after 10-months of investigation about on of the Chinese spying group called "Just Net whom they have great potential. The investigation that the conidian group did Found that the Chinese spying group just net Were successfully able to monitor computers in the region of Tibet, which seeks independence from China, and they were able to access sensitive information, including documents from the PC to the Tibetan leader the Dalai - Lama. In another part, the New York Times published Saturday a report about big spying activities started in less than 2 years and large-scale still active to this day. Researchers who found about the electronic spying have declared that among the parties that were monitored , embassies and foreign ministries, government offices and the centers of the Dalai Lama men’s in exile in India and Brussels, London and New York, but they did not found any evidence of monitoring American government offices. The researchers concluded that most computers located exclusively in China who is responsible of all the spying , although the researchers did not link the government of china directly to the spying organization , which they said was still active. From his part, the spokesman of the Chinese consulate in New York declined, the idea of China involvement, and said: "These are nonsense old stories, the Chinese government against any crime of spying.” Toronto, researchers began their work after receiving a request from the Office of the Dalai Lama to examine the computers and search for signs of any spying programs. The report says: The network has found spying programs in the computer allows the camera to work and record the voices And monitors rooms Shows that the spying system has focused on the governments of South Asia and Southeast Asia, in addition to the Dalai Lama, as PC monitoring in the Indian Embassy, in Washington, and the computer of the North Atlantic Treaty

Children fight

Children fight

15 April 2009

strange information

strange information not know to many mans
did you know if you took a photo when the moon is full you can see ghosts
did you know if you add onion to some soda you rusultan the killer acid gaz

did you know there is a big whirlpool if you enter inside you find yoursel out in
did you know if you eat friute after drink cafe you die
did you know if you spook 1400 word in one day you're threatned with a stork
did you know if you asthgayt in the sand you well be in the second part of globe
did you know if you stop email me i stop email you
did you know if bilieve this you're a morong
this a subject to chrack
the barreres between us
see you later

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